Thursday, November 1, 2012

Celebrity Apprentice: Season 4

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4

Obsession Level: Couldn't Stop Watching

So my obsession with Marlee made me decide to watch this show.  I had never seen Celebrity Apprentice before, but I have to say that I could be a fan as long as there's at least one person on there I like to inspire me to watch.  Lucky for me, Marlee made it to the final episode, so I didn't lose interest at any point.  

All of the people on there weren't impressive to me.  In fact, most of them weren't even memorable.  I just finished it and I can't remember quite a few people that were on there.  I am going to comment, though, on the ones that I can well as on a few scenes that were very interesting.

We'll start with the most obvious person, Donald Trump.

Seriously, this man's face cracks me up.  He'd kill me in that board room because I would lose it laughing every time that he was trying to be serious.  

He didn't really get on my nerves like I thought he would.  I guess the oddest thing about him, aside from hair, is that he always looks massively confused.  

Two funny things about him on this particular season was when Marlee commented that people told her Dionne was a legend and he said "What do you mean people have told you?  You don't know that she's a legend?!"  Bless her heart, Marlee didn't skip a beat before pointing out that she's deaf.  The second was when Star (maybe?) was talking about the trailer task and said that Marlee was a demon in the bedroom and he said "I've heard that before about you, Marlee."  

Then there's Gary Busey...

This man is all shades of crazy.  He's quite possibly the craziest person ever that is not currently institutionalized.  He made me laugh, but I would have hated having to work with him.  He was all over the place and much of what he said was just utter nonsense.  I have no idea how he managed to stay on there as long as he did.

The next crazy person was Meatloaf.  

Meatloaf is a crybaby.  I would never have imagined that about him, but he is.  I felt like he cried at least once in every episode.  It was really getting annoying.  I wanted to give him a pacifier and a blankie.  

On top of that, though (because clearly that's not bad enough), he was given to random fits of anger.  Gary Busey was magnificent at pushing his buttons and he would blow up over nothing.

Like the entire episode with the paint and the sponges.  Do you remember that one?  He had a screaming rage fit over Gary "stealing" his paint...and then they found his bag.  Really?  Meatloaf, it's paint...go stand in the corner.

Another one that I would have sent to the corner regularly was Dionne Warwick.  

If I had any before, I now have zero respect for this woman.  She was lazy and a bully.  She was just nasty and was also prone to fits.  She was acting like a Diva and they were calling her a legend, but she's really just a has-been.  

Also, the amount of ignorance that poured forth from her mouth when they were writing the children's book was really amazing.  Children don't need to know about deaf people because it's sad and pathetic?  I'm with Nene on this one, I thought Marlee was about to fight Dionne.  I wouldn't have minded seeing that...

Since we're already talking about Nene, let's continue.

It seems like everyone hated Nene, but I loved her.  She was a pain to everyone, but she was absolutely hilarious!  Everything that came out of her mouth was funny.  The three funniest things she said, in my opinion:

"It's hard to fight with a 70 year old woman.  It just don't look right."

"I'm fixin' to take my ear plugs out and we're gonna fight."

"I'm doing all the work and you're sittin' over there lookin' like Casper the friendly ghost."  

I did think it was kind of crummy that she just left, though.  That wasn't really right.  

Speaking of Casper, let's talk about the person she was referring to: Latoya Jackson.

Can anyone explain to me why this person is famous?  Is it just because she's Michael Jackson's sister?  I was totally not impressed with her and I agree with Nene in that the only reason she was on the show and stayed on the show as long as she did is because of her last name.  

She was totally and completely useless.  She couldn't make decisions and she did most tasks like her thumbs were put on backwards.  Her baby voice annoyed me, and she was far too emotional.  She was also too "nice."  She was so nice that it had to be fake and it got really annoying in all of the fights. 

As if she wasn't annoying enough...Trump BROUGHT HER BACK after he fired her...just for her to get fired again.  

On the women's team they just duked it out every episode.  The two strongest competitors on that team were clearly Marlee and Star.  On the men's team it felt like "The Jonz" were constantly trying to wrangle in their nutcases.

Let's talk about Lil Jon.

I had never heard of him before, and he really impressed me.  He seems like a genuinely good guy, a good friend to John Rich, and he's funny.

I absolutely thought it was hilarious when he was talking about Gary and commented about how his jobs for one task were to go out and buy things and babysit Gary.  It's true.  I feel like most of the time Lil Jon was stuck trying to control either Gary or Meatloaf.  He and John Rich couldn't have drama because they had to stick together to keep those two chowderheads from killing each other over art supplies.  

Then there's John Rich.  Who ultimately won. (I am not happy about that.)

Now don't get me wrong.  I think he was a good guy.  He had a great charity and he did an impressive job on the show.  I have absolutely nothing against him.  I just didn't want him to win because I wanted Marlee to win, and I do think she deserved it more.  

He did deserve an award, though, for working with some of the people he had to work with (as did she).  I thought it was funny, though, that he clearly thought Marlee was going to be hard to come up against.  He complimented (in my opinion) her several times on being a one woman powerhouse.  

Ultimately, he won, and I wanted to flip the table.  

Then there's Star, who I actually thought might make it all the way through.

I really liked Star.  I know there was a lot of drama circling around her from time to time, but she was a very formidable adversary on the show.  In my opinion she was just playing the game and it's a cutthroat game.  She played well...but I think in the end it was her inability to take responsibility for anything that caused her downfall.  

And finally, the best of the best...Miss Marlee!

By now you already know I'm obsessed with this woman, and if you don't know then you haven't paid much attention.

She's amazing, and she should have won.  She brought in more money than anyone on the history of the show in one night.  

She never lost her cool with anyone, even  Dionne when she was being ignorant.  It was obvious that she was more than a little annoyed, but she was big enough not to say the things that I, and most people, probably would have said in that situation.

She wasn't creating drama and she tried to get along with everyone.  

Face it, even Donald Trump didn't really want her to lose.  He couldn't even bring himself to say "You're fired" to her at the end.  Instead he changed the ending and just announced the winner.  I have no idea why he chose John Rich over Marlee.  I really think it was a bad call, but what's done is done, I guess.  

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