Monday, October 29, 2012

Oregon Trail

Oregon Trail

Obsession Level: Always THE Best Day in Computer Class!

I frankly hated computer class when I was younger.  Of course this was back when computers were fairly new to us.  There was no mouse, that would come later, so everything about them was restricted to the keyboard.  You can forget about "graphics" since giant pixelated pictures were what you got at best.  In fact, thinking back on it now it really seems strange that technology hasn't always been what it is today.  It makes me feel a little old when I think about that.  

In our computer classes in Elementary school, the normal agenda was typing.  Everything was about learning to type correctly.  There was some cat, Paws or something, that taught typing.  The program was boring.  I also remember much later having the Mavis Beacon teaches typing or something along the lines of that.  

There were also delightful days, though when we were allowed to play a game.  I remember the teacher had these big boxes full of games on floppy discs and you could select one to play.  She had a few copies of the classics like Carmen Sandiego and Oregon Trail.  I'd always rush to get Oregon Trail because I thought it was the best game ever!

Some years later, when we actually had a home computer, my mother brought home a game for me and my best friend.  We were so excited that we couldn't stand it.  It was Oregon Trail II!

Oregon Trail II was a lot like Oregon Trail the original in concept.  Now, though, it had graphics, and they were pretty.  We also had the use of our mouse.  Now I realize it wasn't an extremely impressive game in comparison to some of the games we have now, but we loved it.

I don't know if it was the game itself that we liked so much or the ability to put our friends and family on the game and make up scenarios about what was "really" happening along the Oregon Trail...We spent many nights just playing it over and over again.  I think we actually made it to Oregon a time or two.

Since I've gotten older I played the game once or twice on my own.  I realize, though, that without my best friend there the magic of the game is lost.  

I think it's sad that with all the games that have been produced throughout the years, future generations won't know the joy of deciding when to go hunt for meat and how to cure dysentery on a pixelated trip to Oregon.   

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