Monday, September 24, 2012

Wife Swap

Wife Swap

Obsession Level: Train Wreck Obsession?

This particular obsession is one that I'm not really proud of, in fact, it's downright embarrassing.  I never meant to get hooked on this show, but it just happened.  Actually, in my defense I'm not hooked in that I watch the show religiously, but I am hooked in that I will flip over and check it out if I see that it's on.  

That being said, I have to say that this show is about the equivalent of a television train wreck, and that's where it gets you.  You sit down and start watching it innocently.  You're thinking that you'll just check it out, maybe watch until the commercials, and then you'll flip away because it's probably just another boring reality show, right?  Wrong.  It's so out there that you can't look away.  Once you start watching it you won't be able to turn the channel for the sheer shock that some of these people actually exist!

I'm serious on this one.  I had absolutely no idea how many really shocking people there are in the world.  I've seen everything from families that live like life is a boot camp to families that spend their entire lives dressed as super heroes and running around "saving" people.  In fact, each episode pretty much has someone that will leave you sitting there with your mouth open, like a codfish, staring at the t.v. and trying to decide if you really believe this can be real.  

I admit that I've done some searching online, and even though everything says that the show is an actual reality show and these people are actual people, there's really a part of me that deep down cannot believe that some of these people did not just come up with some kind of gimmick to try and get on the show.  I really just cannot believe that people this nuts can actually be out there living an "everyday" life.  I could be wrong, but it just seems like too many of the people are just way over the top.

I'm also shocked constantly by what some of the people say and the absolutely outlandish beliefs that some of them have.  I am quite sure that many of the ignorant beliefs that are presented on the show are beliefs that people have (and probably more than a comforting percent of the population), but the real shock for me comes in thinking that these individuals are on television saying these things.  They know they're being recorded and that this is going to be broadcast nationally and they still choose to say these things?  I certainly don't think I could do that if I couldn't very confidently assert that I am merely playing a part and my part had a less than tasteful script.

Well, there you have it.  Wife Swap is one of my obsessions but, as I have said before, it is an odd kind of obsession since I can't say I like the show as much as I am always amazed by it and therefore sit through an episode before I even realize how much time I've been watching it.  I guess what I like most about the show is the shock value that it provides by showing me some of the really quirky, crazy, and downright strange people that there are in the world.  It's like people watching and being guaranteed you're going to see something that will surprise you.

Also, this show is great if you're feeling like your family is a little crazy.  This show will make you feel like your family is TOTALLY normal...after all, they probably don't spend all their time dressed as and acting like superheroes!  

(See, I'm not even joking...superheroes.)  

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