Sunday, October 21, 2012

A Kingdom For Keflings

A Kingdom For Keflings

Obsession Level: Short Lived But Intense

I was introduced to this game by a friend.  Actually by one that is very often mentioned in my blog...the same one that was involved in the Twilight time wasting, in the Drop Dead Diva addiction, and in the man-eating feety pajama fiasco.  We spend a lot of time together, and it's becoming more and more evident as I write more posts here.

This particular event, because it really was an event, took place shortly after her first child was born and I was visiting for a week.  It was also the first time that I'd ever been to her new house.  Her house had a game room that was stocked with all of their gaming systems, a television, and a couch that pulled out into a bed.  We also added a baby swing to rock the baby while she slept.  Armed with pajamas, snacks, half a dozen delivery menus and a week's worth of time, we were to enter that room and only come out to make bottles, go to the bathroom, or accept deliveries.  

What were we doing for an entire week?  Well, we were playing with the baby during her waking hours (which were few at the time) and the rest of the time we were dedicating to building a Kingdom for Keflings.  

What are Keflings you might ask?  They're tiny little gnome like creatures and we were giants responsible for building them a nice little place to live.  It's another one of those mindless games that eats up entire days of your life without you realizing what's happening to you.  You're running around building things, chopping down trees, and moving Keflings where you want them to be so that they can do some of the grunt work.  During that week we had entire conversations that consisted of "Drop a Kefling over there...I need a couple to stack this wood...go build a house to make more Keflings..." You get the point.  

That was a glorious week building that kingdom with my best friend, eating Chinese food, and taking care of our little newborn love.   The funny thing is that we never played the game again.  I'm not sure if she even has it anymore.  I don't know why we were never to return to that obsession again, but it was one that only lasted a week.  

Maybe the next time I visit I'll suggest that we look that one up again.  It was fun, even if it sounds really dumb in theory.  Maybe it was the company that really made it great!

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