Sunday, October 21, 2012

Anne Ramsay

Anne Ramsay

Obsession Level: More Intrigue Than Obsession...

So let me set this little post up for you.  I was watching Season 2 (maybe?) of the L Word for the second time with a person that I used to wrongly consider my friend.  That in itself is another story.  Anyway, this individual was heckling me about the people that I liked on the show.  She insisted that I always like the older actresses and don't like anyone new.  While that's true to some degree it's not entirely true.  I admit to being several decades behind the times in my television viewing, and therefore the obsessions I follow do tend to be older actors and actresses, but I consider that a side effect of low exposure and not a necessarily a personal preference.

Anyway, during that season there is a character, Robin, who appears in something like six episodes.  She's a love interest of a very confused Jenny who has just broken things off with Marina.  Robin also ends up briefly with Marina.  Go figure.  So when this character is on screen the heckler begins to harass me, betting me that I like this character.  It went something like this:

"I bet you like her, don't you?"
"No, actually I don't."  

I was confident when I responded that I had told the truth.  I did like the character, but I didn't think the actress was attractive.  Or did I?  The more I watched, the more I wasn't sure what I thought.  She reminded me of an episode of Seinfeld where Jerry is dating a girl that they refer to as a "two-face".  Depending on the day Jerry takes her out, sometimes she's attractive and other times she's not.  It's very confusing for Jerry and it's also very confusing for me.  That's what this woman is like.  The one thing I did know for sure was that I had seen her somewhere but didn't have a clue where.  That led me, of course, to go in search of information.

I found out a lot about this actress, and figured out where I'd seen her before, but we'll get to that. What I found out that related specifically to the L Word was that she has an exceptional personality and apparently everyone loves her.  She also had a scene that was deleted in which she had to kiss Karina Lombard (Marina).  She said that Karina wasn't thrilled by this, preferring all her "love" scenes to occur only with recurring cast members, and therefore said that she would do the scene but had the stipulation that the kiss had to be without tongue.  Anne's response was that she was fine with the stipulation, but she "didn't know how to kiss without tongue."  I'm guessing the scene was deleted because it was awkward?  LOL

So, I figured out where I knew her from.  She played Lisa in the television show Mad About You.  I loved that show when it was on the air, and I'm more than a little mad that no one plays the reruns.  It was a good show.  She was the boy crazy and  permanently single sister of Helen Hunt (Jamie).  That's where I knew her from.  

That wasn't all, though, she also played in one of my all-time favorite movies.  She was Helen Haley in A League of Their Own (with Geena Davis).  Her part in the movie was relatively small, but as soon as I saw the pictures (thanks Google), I was reminded of who she was.  I'm quite sure, though, that I wouldn't have put that together if they hadn't told me online that she had been in the movie.  

I also found out that she is in an episode of Drop Dead Diva in season four.  Netflix hasn't made that available to me yet, but I'm sure I'll watch it when they decide to release it.  

So that's Anne Ramsay.  Not really an obsession...but she was for a few days while I figured out where in the world I knew her from!  

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