Saturday, October 20, 2012

I'll Scream Later

I'll Scream Later

Obsession Level: As If I Wasn't Impressed Enough...

As if I wasn't impressed enough by Marlee Matlin I went ahead and decided to read her autobiography.  I started it one day and decided I would just read a chapter.  Only one chapter.  By the end of the day I had read the entire book and had done little else with my time.  

I've read a lot of autobiographies in my day.  I like to read them and before the internet they were the best possible way to find out about the things that I was obsessed with.  Some of them have been pretty good...I'm thinking of Reba's, Cher's and Tanya Tucker's...and some of them have been pretty dry and boring.  The better ones to me always read more like fiction and less like fact sheets.

Marlee Matlin's is hands down the best.  The style itself is great.  It reads just like fiction and at times it's hard to remember that this is actually her life story.  I guess her skills as a writer (yep, she's a writer) helped out with this.  She also mixes in testimonies from other people, so that gives a dialogue type effect to the book.  It's a quick and easy read, but it's entertaining too.

As for the actual story of her life, it's impressive.  She's been through a lot, but she manages to keep a very positive attitude it seems.  Through reading the book it made me want to be friends with her.  I'm sure she's an amazing person to be around.  I also got some insights into the acting world that I would have never thought about before.

So let's see, this woman is a wife, mother of four, doesn't do overnight babysitters or long term nannies (she has her family to help her when she's acting), is a soccer mom, bakes food for her kids classes, heads a Girl Scout troop, acts, dances, writes, has her own sign language app, does lots of charity work, and still finds time to Tweet regularly.  There's really nothing she doesn't do.  It's hard not to be impressed.

I'm voting for Marlee for president.  We wondered where we'd find someone who could do everything, and I think we've found it.  

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